Rashtriy Arogya Nyaya Sanshodhan Santha's

Mahankali Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Center

A/P Narsinhgaon Tal - Kavathe Mahankal Dist - Sangli, 416405

Mo No : +91 9920261017, +91 9819061198


Managing biomedical waste at Mahankali Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Center involves adhering to strict protocols to ensure safety, compliance with regulations, and environmental protection. Here's an outline specific to the hospital:

Color-Coded Bins: Use of different colored bins to segregate waste at the point of generation:

  • Yellow: Infectious waste and pathological waste.
  • Red: Contaminated waste (recyclable).
  • White (Translucent): Sharps like needles and scalpels.
  • Blue: Glassware and metallic body implants.

    Human & Animal Anatomical Waste, Infected Cotton, Solied Waste, Expired or Discarded Medicine, Chemical Waste, Discarded Linen & Beddings Contaminated with Blood (Microbiology & Other Clinial Laboratory Waste, Gloves)


    Reccycleable Contaminated Waste, Tubing, Catheters, IV Tubes & Set, Urine Bags, Syrings Wihtout Needles


    Broken or Discarded & Contaminated Glass, Metalic Body Implants


    Sharp Needles & Cut Glasses Infection & Injurious Sharp Waste, Used Needles, Lancets, used scaple blades, broken glass slides.


    The Mahankali Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Center is a reputable medical facility in Kavathe Mahankal. This center focuses on Ayurvedic treatments, integrating traditional Ayurvedic principles with modern medical practices to provide holistic healthcare services.

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